


This information is arranged by year 和 includes MSM historical 和 other highlights of New York City’s music history.




约瑟夫·W. 波利西被任命为学生事务主任.

大师班由小提琴家约瑟夫·金戈尔德教授, 长笛手Carol Wincenc, 杰罗姆·海恩斯, 小提琴家伊萨克·维多奇克, 长笛演奏家哈维·索尔伯格, 男中音雷纳托·卡佩基, 以及小提琴家埃里卡·莫里尼.

约瑟芬C. 教务长惠特福德退休. 她被任命为名誉院长.


  • 电影音乐 名声 opens; features appearances by MSM Prep students Anne-Marie McDermott, 莫林·麦克德莫特, 克里·麦克德莫特, 以及校友Jonathan Strasser(1970届), 谁指挥电影的结尾, “我唱身体的电.”
  • A Pulitzer Prize is awarded David Del Tredici (former MSM faculty) for his 《夏日记忆是为女高音独奏和管弦乐队而作的作品.


《音乐商业:职业剖析》课程在春季开课. 由安置主任Richard E. 亚当斯(MM ' 61),这是同类课程的第一门. Alex和ra Honigsberg (BM ’81) writes: “When Richard came to the Placement Office he brought enthusiasm with him – 和 then he did the Business of Music class 和 I said, 帮我报名!他没有失望. 他很务实,见多识广,而且总是很积极. Our big project was to take a mythical 弦乐四重奏 on tour… so when I went on to be the tour manager for the b和 I was in as fiddle player, 相比之下,这很容易.”

在毕业典礼上, 玛格丽特·希利斯, 芝加哥交响乐团的创始人和总监, 他的特邀演讲人. She reminds students that it is talent, brains, 和 discipline that “gets one to Carnegie Hall.”

The New York Brass Quintet begin their residency at MSM; members are Robert Nagel, 艾伦迪恩, 保罗·英格, 约翰吞下, 托比·汉克斯.


  • Glenn Dicterow (MSM faculty 和 chair of 管弦乐表现 Program) appointed concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic, 位于Zubin梅塔, 音乐总监兼指挥.
  • 琼塔的 红杉资本 为纽约爱乐乐团创作的.
  • 菲利普·格拉斯的歌剧 非暴力不合作 在布鲁克林音乐学院首演.
  • Wynton Marsalis signs recording contracts for both classical 和 jazz labels simultaneously. His recording career is influenced by Irwin Katz (Class of BM ’51 / MM ’52), A&R代表哥伦比亚唱片公司.
  • 马丁E. Segal is elected Chairman of the Board of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.


四月——约翰·克罗斯比指挥约翰·布朗利歌剧院的双票演出 灯笼的婚礼 雅克·奥芬巴赫和 Eine florentinische Tragödie 亚历山大·冯·泽姆林斯基.


虽然还是一名男同性恋学生, Dolora Zajick (MM ‘83) wins the bronze medal at the 7th Tchaikovsky International Competition. (这张照片是她在男男性接触者制作的 Suor当归.)


Prep students in the Gr和 Ballroom of the White House with First Lady Nancy Reagan.

1982年7月, students from Manhattan School of Music’s Precollege (then called the Preparatory Division) are invited to perform at the Reagan White House. Dianne Flagello, 前预科主任, writes: “One of our prep students’ gr和father was a very close friend of Ronald Reagan 和 he arranged for the White House to send a representative to hear us. 结果我们被邀请去演出一场音乐会. Burton Kaplan conducted our chamber orchestra 和 I asked alumnus/violinist Elmar Oliveira, 刚刚赢得柴可夫斯基比赛的人, 来介绍我们. 这是一件非常美妙的事情.”



Glenn Dicterow, concert master of the New York Philharmonic, joins the faculty.


  • 作者:安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯,歌词改编自T.S. Eliot, opens with Betty Buckley at the Winter Garden Theater (7,485 performances).
  • 恐怖小店, Alan Menken的音乐, 歌词由霍华德·阿什曼, 和布鲁克林出生的艾伦·格林, 在百老汇外的奥菲姆剧院上演,209表演).
  • 小提琴家Midori和Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg在纽约首次亮相.
  • 位于Zubin梅塔, Itzahk帕尔曼, 艾萨克·斯特恩, 普音乐大师, 和 New York Philharmonic receive Grammy for Best Classical Performance for 艾萨克·斯特恩’s 60th Anniversary Celebration.



三月——约翰·布朗利歌剧院将上演三场演出: 里纳德 伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基; 光荣的苏珊娜 by Paul Hindemith (Dawn Upshaw, pictured, sings the lead); 和 波利克拉底之戒 埃里希·科恩戈尔德著.


10月——Birgit Nilsson(如图)教授大师班, 她的第一个地方, 在特别邀请的观众面前, 由学生主任佩吉·图勒组织. This begins a series of annual appearances at the School for the next several years.


  • Ellen Taaffe Zwilich becomes first woman to receive a Pulitzer Prize in Composition for her Three Movements for Orchestra (Symphony No. 1).
  • 杰西·诺曼在大都会歌剧院首演.
  • 菲利普·格拉斯创作他的歌剧 Akhnaten.
  • The Next Wave Festival of new music is inaugurated at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.




Jazz/commercial music major is announced with courses offered are towards a master’s degree.


  • 史蒂夫·赖希作曲 沙漠音乐人声和管弦乐队的作品.
  • 星期天和乔治在公园 《newbb电子平台》在布斯剧院开幕(共604场).
  • Dawn Upshaw (MSM alumnus) makes her debut with the Metropolitan Opera on October 11, 并将随剧团演出300多场.


两个穿着毕业礼服的男人Violinist Elmar Oliveira (Class of 1972) receives an honorary doctorate at commencement. (图为与总统合影


American mezzo-soprano Mignon Dunn, pictured 在这里 as Azucena for a Metropolitan Opera production of
Il trovatore他加入了声音系.


  • 莱昂泰恩·普莱斯在大都会歌剧院进行告别演出.
  • 介绍了光盘和CD播放机.
  • 黎明厄普肖(男同性恋女校友)收到沃尔特W. 诺姆堡基金会之声奖.
  • 无线电城音乐厅被指定为纽约市的地标.
  • 乌木歌剧世界首演多萝西·拉德·摩尔 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯 在城市学院的亚伦戴维斯大厅.
  • Sonny Rollins records an album of live solo-saxophone improvisations at MOMA.
  • Charles Neidich(后来加入了男男性接触者学院)获得Walter W. 诺姆堡基金会单簧管奖.



吉迪恩W. Waldrop -作曲家, 导体, 和 former dean of The Juilliard School — becomes president (president until 1989).


多拉·扎斯拉夫斯基·科赫, 学院的第一批毕业生之一, 因为她60年的卓越教学而被授予荣誉博士学位. (图为作曲家维吉尔·汤姆森在她纽约的公寓里.) Current faculty member Phillip Kawin (BM ’82 / MM ’85) writes: “Dora Zaslavsky imparted to me the limitless means of musical expression that are part of the tradition of the great masters. She was extremely instrumental in giving me the insight 和 necessary tools to communicate through the music. 朵拉一直是,也将永远是我的指导力量和灵感.”




  • 詹姆斯·莱文成为大都会歌剧院的艺术总监.
  • 卡内基音乐厅将关闭7个月,耗资6000万美元进行翻修.



爵士乐团首次获奖 下来打 magazine “Outst和ing College Jazz B和 of the Year” award, for its first recording, 时间的阴影.

March — Classical guitar legend Andrés Segovia is awarded an honorary doctorate following a series of master classes. 吉迪恩·沃尔德罗总统主持了这次特别会议, 布特罗斯·布特罗斯·加利在哪里, 联合国秘书长, 作主题演讲.

A tribute concert is given in memory of percussion faculty member Paul Price, 谁死于1986年, 导演:Claire Heldrich (MM ' 72). 该节目包括Richard Trythall的作品, 卢哈里森, 卢卡斯自由/开源软件, 弗兰克扎帕, 约翰·凯奇(他也出席了). 《newbb电子》 他写道:“有人怀疑. 普赖斯一定会赞成这种宽容的态度. 海德里希的计时效率高得惊人, 精神上的, 准确的表现, 还有那些喊得嗓子都哑了的热情观众.”


智天使 《newbb电子》将于三月在歌剧院上演. Susan Graham (MM ’87 / HD ’08) remembers: “The School gave me … opera performances that got reviewed in the New York Times 和 set me off on a very satisfying career journey. 我永远感激newbb电子.(图中为奥巴马夫人. 格雷厄姆在男同性恋者的头衔角色.)

Gunther Schuller (alumnus of the Preparatory Division) is awarded an honorary doctorate at the May commencement ceremonies.


  • Bang on a Can节成立.
  • 约翰·亚当斯的歌剧 尼克松在中国 在纽约布鲁克林音乐学院首演.
  • 《newbb电子》, Claude-Michel Schonberg作曲, Alain Boubil和Herbert Kretzmer作词, 在帝国剧院开幕,680表演).
  • 走进森林 by Stephen Sondheim, with Bernadette Peters, opens at the Martin Beck Theater (764 performances).


弗朗西斯·霍尔·巴拉德, a member of the piano faculty from 1932–81 和 benefactress of the music library, 被授予荣誉博士学位.

New recording facilities 和 a performance space are established in memory of Charles Myers (Class of 1965).


  • David Del Tredici (former MSM Composition 教师) appointed composer in residence of New York Philharmonic.
  • 歌剧魅影, 安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯作曲, 查尔斯·哈特歌词, 导演:哈罗德·普林斯, 迈克尔·克劳福德和莎拉·布莱曼, 在雄伟剧院上映(6月6日),075 +演出).
  • Dolora Zajick (MSM alumna) makes her debut on October 8 with the Metropolitan Opera, 就像威尔第的阿祖塞纳 Il trovatore. 此后,她将随剧团演出259场.



彼得•西蒙, pianist 和 former director of academic studies at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto, 成为总统(1991年卸任).

The Honorable Richard Owen (Class of 1960) — a member of the Board of Trustees, a composer, 和 a U.S. 地区法官-被授予荣誉博士学位.

Marc Silverman (Class of 1983) is appointed chair of the piano department.


  • Blue Note jazz recording label celebrates 50th anniversary with Carnegie Hall concert, JVC爵士音乐节的一部分.
  • Mannes School of Music joins the New School for Social Research (known now as the New School).

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